I Am Fit Wellness Inc.

Company Description:

In the beginning, I Am Fit Wellness Inc was a simple company engaging in the importation and trading of pharmaceutical raw materials. However, a shift in the company’s direction came upon the big boom of the food supplement industry in 2015. Wanting to market a game-changing food supplement, I Am Fit Wellness Inc. created the iAMFit brand and marketed the first ever Chlorella food supplement, iAMFit Dash.

To date, iAMFit continues to supercharge the Filipino consumers’ health through its key products –iAMFit 8 in 1 Coffee, iAMFit Dash,iAMFit B-Fit, and the latest among its products, the Bibo Kid Line with iAMFit GrowBibo .

Join us in our wellness journey so you can have a Fit, Fab and Healthy life!

Products / Services:

No products or services specified.

No products or services specified.

No products or services specified.

Company Representative:

Marites Di